Why Should I Use A Va Loan

Why Should I Use a VA Loan

The VA loan is one of the best mortgage loans there is. Here are some reasons why. First, VA guarantees the loan for 100% of the appraised value of the property (technically, the loan is for the Notice Of Value amount, which in most cases is the same thing). This guarantee means that the lender…
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First-time Homebuyers Reality Check

First-time homebuyers reality check

Many first-time home buyers have stars in their eyes when they first begin house-hunting. Their ideal is a house that is move-in-ready, offers the number of bedrooms/baths/square footage they’re looking for, is in a great neighborhood and, of course, is within their budget. Matching all that criteria is often a tall order, especially the move-in-ready…
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Blog Photo: Know What To Expect Before Getting A Mortgage

Know What to Expect Before Getting a Mortgage

Getting a mortgage will take some time. Before you head to a lender, it’s important to ensure your finances are in order so you can secure the best possible interest rates and don’t fall behind on future payments.

Keyboard Hands

5 Ways to Protect Your Small Business from Account Fraud

Corporate account takeover is a type of fraud where thieves gain access to a business’ finances to make unauthorized transactions, including transferring funds from the company, creating and adding new fake employees to payroll, and stealing sensitive customer information that may not be recoverable. We recommend following these tips to keep your small business safe….
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Blog Image Renters Insurance

Do you have renters insurance? Now’s the time

If you’re currently renting, and will be for the foreseeable future, it’s in your best interest to get an insurance plan now because life is unpredictable and you never know when coverage will come in handy.
