Okoboji Location Update

The Okoboji location will begin limited bank services starting Monday, February 10. Safe Deposit Box Access: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Drive-Up ITM: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m. – Noon. ATM: Monday-Sunday 24 hours. For full-service banking, please visit the new Spirit Lake location at 1800 Royal Avenue.  

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Blog Image Guide To Personal Banking

Opening a Personal Bank Account: What You Need To Know

Money management and financial literacy rely heavily on how well an individual understands personal banking. That’s why you need a bank that’s ready and able to provide resources and guidance to help you make informed decisions. Learn the basics of opening a personal bank account at Bank Midwest.

Jensen Kennels Dog Trio

Dream Big — Jensen Kennels

Like many business owners, Kasey Jenson turned her passion into a successful, growing business. Learn more about her start and recommendation for others thinking about starting a business.

Blog photo_family at airport watching plane take off_Travel Insurance

What is travel insurance? The key to safe and joyful adventures

Travel insurance is designed to protect travelers from risks and financial losses that could potentially happen while away from home. Discover what it might and might not cover, its importance, tips to help when researching options as well as a few key considerations to make before purchasing.

Dlc Exterior Blog Header

5 Tips to Unlock Growth: Business Lessons from Brent Donner, DLC Manufacturing

DLC Manufacturing in New Ulm, Minnesota is preparing to expand its business with a $5 million renovation. Still, Brent Donner always remembers the people who supported the company – his old bosses, the first investors, and of course, his staff. He’s eager to share his knowledge with five secrets to growth with business owners across industries.

Blog Image Personal Insurance

Personal insurance: what you need to be protected

Personal insurance covers a very broad spectrum of assets. The most important thing to remember is, whether you fully cover every item in your possession or simply choose one type of protection plan, having insurance can help you feel safe and secure in moments of uncertainty.

Blog Header2 Matuska Taxidermy

Dream Big – Matuska Taxidermy

Matuska Taxidermy started with a passion and a dream by owners, Tom and Vicki Matuska. This Iowa business continues to delight customers with award-winning taxidermy, quality, supplies and education.

Blog Feature What Is An Ag Loan

What’s an ag loan?

Although farm management has changed over the years, one thing has remained constant: It takes money to run a successful agricultural business. Whether it’s buying new land or purchasing different equipment, things can really add up.

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Building vs buying a house : What is right for you?

If you’re stuck between building and buying a house, ensure you have all the information you need before making your decision. Take a look at the pros and cons of both building and buying a house and inspect the price difference between the two.

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End of life planning: How to effectively prepare

It’s not fun to plan for the what-ifs, but organizing affairs and creating a care plan for your loved ones can make it easier when that time does come. There are many factors to consider and documents that need to be reviewed. Learn more in this article.

Ins and outs of farm management

The ins and outs of farm management

The modern farmer is required to know much more than just harvesting produce and raising animals. Here is everything you need to know about managing your farm well.
