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First Time Homebuyers Guide
Buying your first home is an exciting but intimidating time. Our eBook teaches you how to navigate the entire process. Let us help you take the next step forward in your home buying journey.

Simple steps to better grain marketing
As if planting, raising and harvesting crops isn’t enough, farmers often market and sell their grain, too. This eBook will help walk you through simple steps to help you plan your grain marketing. [440kb PDF]

Treasury Management 101 for SMBs
Managing company finances can be complex and overwhelming. This downloadable guide provides an overview of a suite of Treasury Management services to help ensure that your business has what it needs to manage its cash flow now and as you grow into the future.

Ag Market Tracking Worksheet (.xls)
Grain marketing begins and ends with knowing what challenges and opportunities exist. A detailed marketing plan is key to getting around market issues. Use this fillable worksheet to help you and your ag lender track grain sales. Bank Midwest has a long and proud tradition of serving the ag community. We’re here to help.

Starting a business primer
There are few things in life as rewarding as starting your own business. But being your own boss comes with its challenges, and to succeed it takes more than a really great idea you’re passionate about. Learn more with this primer.

Business Owners Guide to Commercial Insurance
Every business needs some form of commercial insurance. But what and how much depends on many factors, including how many employees you have, your industry, where you’re located and more. Use this guide to help guide your conversation with your insurance agent.